New Feature On CoWIN Portal Allows To Add Up To 6 Beneficiaries Per Account, More Features Introduced too

Kelvin Katie
4 Min Read

CoWIN portal will now allow the addition of up to 6 beneficiaries in the registered using one mobile number. The central government of India announced its decision to extend the maximum number of beneficiaries to apply for receiving vaccination doses. Until now, the maximum number of applicants was capped at four per registered account.

Along with enlarging the number of beneficiaries, the central government of India has introduced some additional features on the COWIN portal. Newly added features on the portal will allow the users to change their vaccination status from fully vaccinated to partially vaccinated or not vaccinated and vice versa. Before the rollout of the vaccination status update feature, users could change their name, gender and year of birth on the CoWIN portal. 

Users can raise an issue on the CoWIN portal to correct their vaccination status. Due to unintended data entry errors, while filling up vaccination beneficiary status, a few cases showed incorrect vaccination status, said the central government.

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“Revoking the vaccination status may need three to seven days after posting the online request on the CoWIN portal using the raise an issue facility for the updates to take effect. After the revised vaccination status has been correctly updated in the system, such individuals may get their due vaccine dosage, at their closest vaccination centre, in accordance with the existing standard norms,” the central government added further.

Recently, the central government of India commenced a vaccination drive for below 18 children and administration of booster doses to older people at the same time. Meanwhile, the Union Government of Health and Family Welfare said on Friday that India’s gross Covid-19 vaccination coverage drive had crossed 160.43 crores after the administration of above 70 lakh jabs in the previous 24 hours, according to the ministry.

More than 159.91 crore vaccine shots have been distributed to union territories and states till now, mostly via free vaccination drive of the central government of India and the direct state procurement category of the state administrations. State and territorial governments have been receiving free Covid-19 vaccinations from the central government as part of a countrywide inoculation campaign, which has been supported by the state government as well. 

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Procedure To Applying For Modifications On CoWIN Portal

Step 1. Log on to

Step 2. Sign in to your account with the help of your 10-digit mobile number

Step 3. Type in your 6-digit One Time Password received on your mobile number.

Step 4. Verify the OTP to log into your account.

Step 5. Navigate to your accounts details section

Step 6. If you are fully or partially vaccinated, there will be an option next to your vaccination status to raise an issue over your incorrect vaccination information.

Step 7. The system will ask you about the issue. Click on the error you want to get resolved.

After that, the change request goes under review, which might get accepted between three to seven days. Once the mistakes are rectified, the users will be able to get an errorless vaccination certificate.

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